Thank you for choosing The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer. We would like to tell you a story about the little guy. Once upon a time, there was a dog named junior. Junior had a very hard life, and he had lived a very sad life up to this point. He had never had a family, and as a puppy he was abandoned by everyone that he ever knew. his siblings all passed away because they were not strong enough to make it, and he barely made it through. Thankfully his mother survived so he was able to get milk from her. Thanks to our organization, we were able to rescue Junior and bring him home with us. He was able to get plugged into a wonderful foster home where he was able to nurse back to health and rescue. His life was restored because of the work that we are doing as a community.

Because of the work that The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer is doing, we have been able to save countless dogs like junior. Today, Junior is thriving in his home. His name is Riley now, and his people absolutely love him. He receives tons of treats and happy welcomes to every single day. He is very loved, and we know that this is thanks to all of the work that you’re doing. if it weren’t for the work that we are doing, junior might not have made it, or he would still be living in despair on the streets. or even worse, he might have ended up in a kill shelter. We are so grateful to be able to help all of these animals everyday.

It is because of the work that The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer is doing that we are able to save so many lives like junior’s. If you would like to get involved with what we are doing, we would highly encourage you to do so. you could sign up to foster, or you can offer to volunteer at one of our facilities. Finally, if you do not have time to offer, we are happy to receive any donations that you were able to give us to further our cause.

We love working with these animals, and we cannot wait to hear how many stories will come out of the situation like juniors. We know that there are so many dogs out there that we are not able to help, and that makes us very sad. but we know that with your help we will be able to save as many as we possibly can.

please get in contact with us today by visiting our website. We have also posted lots of stories of how we are helping our community here as well:

The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer | The Story of Bubbles

Because you are working with The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer, we have so many success stories that we would like to share with you. We would like to share the story of a dog named bubbles. Back in her time at the shelter, Bubbles was extremely, well, bubbly, as well as happy-go-lucky. She was such a fun dog to be around. by her horrible upbringing, she has been able to be transformed into a new dog. Before she made it to our shelter, she was found in a bucket where half of her siblings had drowned. someone had abandoned them in a wheelbarrow, and it had rained that night. Luckily she was one of the few that made it, and we were able to rescue her.

When she made her way to The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer, it wasn’t long before she was able to get plugged into a foster home. at that Foster home, bubbles was able to meet her forever family just three short days afterwards. After those three days, she was adopted into the most loving family in the world, and now she is living a very happy life where she receives treats and affection every single day. She is always going on walks and enjoying her life as a result of this life change.

When you partner with The Best Animal Rescue Tulsa has to Offer, you are helping dogs just like bubbles find amazing homes just like she did. Every dog deserves the life that bubbles get to have because of your influence. We are so excited that we can continue to save lives and help create more success stories. We are so honored to get to be a part of what we get to be a part of. This is such an amazing process, and we love getting to see life changed forever. Bubbles’ name is Cassie now, and she is extremely spoiled and happy. imagine if she had been left in that bucket to die. We are so lucky that someone reached out to us so we could go rescue her.

There are so many dogs that are in terrible situations just like bubbles were. By donating to us and volunteering with us, you are making a difference in helping find these dogs and get them into safe and loving locations. If you continue to help us, we will be able to reach out and help any dogs that are in need as we find out about them. Right now, we are struggling to be able to meet every single need because we are low on funds and volunteers. We would greatly appreciate any funds and volunteer hours they were able to donate to us now.

If you would like to donate with us or get in contact with us, we would love to hear from you and get started. In order to do that, we would highly encourage you to visit our website. At this website, we are always updating it to show what we are up to and what we are accomplishing: