Find Animal Rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma | Why pet stores suck?

Why do Pet stores suck, well let me tell you why. They are going to be overcrowded and the going to be full of kids and puppies that night not be right for you and your family. Havana’s House Animal Rescue & Pet Supply Store want you to be well educated on the problems that come from getting a Pat from a pet store. Here when you come to find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma you are going to understand that stores are full of young small dog and cat that concluded potentially be with you for 15 to 20 years.

Although the longevity of a Pat is many times a wonderful thing when you are getting a small or puppy you may not have the necessary time to spend with the animal so therefore they end up running about in ruining your home. If you are adopting an older dog from an animal rescue or altered cat you are going to get somebody that is passed that rambunctious phase. At that going to describe many of the animals the you are going to find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma with us.

You’re going to find that these are going to be altered animals that are going to be more calm. On many occasions many of them already come with the household training including the dreaded potty training. Also in many cases the animals are already going to be at vetted, and speed or neutered. This will help save you money and the long run. With God working at you are going to find that they will be more in line with what most people expect. Yes you’re going to miss out on the tiny babies or the all in BP we say but okay. Older dogs need love too.

You are going to be able to find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma and see that we have not only topic Available for a large array of animals to from whether you’re looking for chicken, or your normal household animals we will more than likely have an option that will you. So when you are choosing to adopt a cat or a dog another thing to keep in mind is appearances what draws you in that I went to take a Pat home based on how they work. You need to make sure that you are doing your research before you bring an animal home. You really need to make sure that your animal is going to match your style. That means your lifestyle not your personal fashion places. If you don’t have a lot of time to be at home and are looking for more of an outdoor dog you need to make sure that you are getting a dog that bit will be well suited to the outdoors. If your home all the time and you’re just looking for a cute little lapdog been you want to make sure that you are getting that kind of dog that research is key to your people.

Havana’s House Animal Rescue & Pet Supply Store is going to be able to help you with any of your pet needs if you have any questions or would like to donate please go to our website at

Find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma | are you interested in myth busting?

I have the biggest myth bust for you today. You are going to find that you can get a pure breed dog or cat at a shelter yes you heard me correctly these animals flood our shelters and are rescues on a regular basis. You do not have to go to a breeder and spent thousands of dollars on an animal. You can come to her rescue even if the animal is not a pure breed you are still going to have a better opportunity of getting a high quality pants and a much much more affordable price. As the find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma we are going to be able to show you that we have some of the most loving and amazing animals whether they are purebred or not.

You are going to understand that you know many of the dogs that you would From a pure bred breeder are going to have more disciplinary and temperament problem. Many times these animals are separated from their mothers were there littermates much much too early. Or they come from the and a scary puppy mills where they were TOGETHER in a tiny little cage with not enough room to run and play. These kinds of puppy mills are ruining the animal industry. And these are going to be causing many behavioral issues in your dog later in life. And now you have been educated by find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma.

So when you are going to find animal rescue in Tulsa Oklahoma you are going to be doing your part to ensure that these horrible puppy mills go out of business. These are going to be rescued animal that need home and for all you know are going to be your new best friend. And even if you are looking for a pure breed animal you can rest assured that with a little bit of patience more than likely one of them will turn up in our facility for you to adopt.

I can assure you that you are going to be getting a better quality Pats if you debts what normal people would call a minds you know there are status symbols associated with owning a purebred dog. By with a mixed breed dog you are getting many benefits of the many different breeds of many kinds. There are a number of temperament factors that go into mixed breed. So if you are diversifying those breeds and getting a mixed breed dog you are going to end up with a dog that doesn’t shed very much or a dog that’s hypoallergenic like a Labradoodle, or if you are looking for something massive you may end up with a giant Marmaduke type dog that ended up being a Marmaduke mixed with a English mastiff. There are so many ways that mixed breeds benefit the community and adopting them is going to be the way to go.

At Havana’s House Animal Rescue & Pet Supply Store you are going to find that we have a long suit of opportunities for you to be able to financially contribute to our organization, or volunteer your time working with the amazing Pat. You can go to our website at for more information.