animal rescue Tulsa | helping the lost dog

This content was written for Havana’s House

You are moving into a brand-new house and you and your wife are looking for a animal to help fill some of that space. You are going to be looking for an animal rescue Tulsa that is going to be perfect for you. The Havana’s House is going to be that one because they are going to provide for you a animal that is going to be what you have been looking for. Is our motto and dedication here at Havana’s House to be able to provide a animal with a loving second home. Because we believe that every animal deserves a second chance at a wonderful home as well.

To keep things rolling we are going to be the animal rescue Tulsa that is going to help reduce the amount of animals that are having be put down throughout the whole entire United States. There is a ridiculously large amount of animals that are without a home or in bad homes and are needing the better one. What Havana’s House does is try to take as many as we can and then adopt them out so that way people are going to be able to find a dog, cat or any other animal that is going to be right for them. We hope that you are going to be able to adopt a dog that is perfect for you.

It warms our hearts at the Havana’s House to hear animal rescue Tulsa stories. You are going to be able to know that whenever you come back to us and tell us that you are absolutely loving your pet and that you are thankful for us it is going to make us happy. Because we have helped you and because we have found a loving home for our rescue animal. And that is our whole entire mission to find loving homes for our amazing animals. We are going to be dedicated to this because we want every animal to get the love it deserves.

The Havana’s House is going to be a nonprofit charitable organization that is going to be in it to help you get the dog or cat or animal that you need it. You my friend are going to see that you can donate to this terrible cause through our website. You can donate money to donate time or you can donate stuff like pet beds or food as well. You are going to see that are amazing them rescue animals are going to love the fact that you made that sacrifice in order to help them as well.

Now to donate you are going to visit our website on This website is going to have a donate button and is going to have a number of different animals that you are going to be able to see that you can adopt. No matter what you are going to be looking for our amazing services here at Havana’s House are going to be there for you. In order to get in contact with us you are going to have to leave your name, number and email address and we are going to be getting back to you. You are going to never be disappointed with the animal that you will be receiving from us.

animal rescue Tulsa | always there for you

This content was written for the Havana’s House

How may times have you ever seen that very sad commercial about animal rescue when they are singing the “In the arms of an angel song”. They do this because they want you to be able to see that there are millions of homeless animals that are in the United States. Here at the Havana’s House we are going to be the animal rescue Tulsa that is going to be able to help cut back on the amount of animals that have a need to be put to sleep in the United States. We are going to be able to help those animals that are in need.

Havana’s House we are the animal rescue Tulsa that has a motto for excellence. We are going to see that is our promise to you are going to give the animal in our care the second chance to a loving home as well. Because we believe that every animal that comes to our care is going to be deserving of the most love that we can give it. No matter what kind of animals going to be coming through our doors we are going to be providing at the best quality care possible, unlike other animal shelters. Because here have Havana’s House we are going to be doing everything in our power to make sure that the animal is going to be adopted into a well loving home as well.

My friend it is going to absolutely make us very happy to hear whenever we are able to hear success stories of people that have adopted through us. Because we are the animal rescue Tulsa that you are going to turn to whenever you are trying to find a good animal. Havana’s House is going to love it whenever you tell us that you are eternally grateful for the opportunity that you had to adopt your very best friend. This is a win-win because you are happy and we are happy that the animals happy as well.

The Havana’s House is going to be a organization that you are going to be able to donate to. You are going to be able to see that you can donate money for your time in order to help us out. Or if you’d also like to donate pet beds, food or toys you are going to know that the animals are going to be eternally grateful for the sacrifice that you made. Because any sacrifice or donation that you are willing to make it is going to show us that there is still hope in the world. That people are still going to be caring about the animals that are homeless.

To donate or to see the animals that we have a production you are going to visit our website. This amazing website is known as is going to be packed full of stories about the successful adoptions. You are going to be able to leave your name and also your number so that way we are going to be able to get in contact with you. So that way we are able to start this whole entire adoption process with you.