Animal Rescue Tulsa | Dogs, Cats, and Pets

Do you believe there is writing on the wall that you need to visit us. Animal rescue Tulsa. That’s all we believe. We believe that every dog and cat deserves a chance to live the life they absolutely deserve. Every animal woman child man it doesn’t matter to live in a loving home in which they can feel comfortable and happy. So that’s our goal at Havanas house. Visit our Web site has house dot com. That’s what we want for each one of our pets. We have in our. Rescue and this what makes us the greatest animal rescue Tulsa is our heart for for the creatures that inhabit our halls. If you want to adopt a pet if the person you’re a person please comment that you are a great person with a loving home who wants to all that will be treated kindly and with great love and respect. Then please come in who would love to talk to you about your options with those who might be you about our selection of animals and their personalities and see if these personalities would fit with you. Because dogs are are. Creatures with personality they’re not just living breathing plants they have personalities they have.
Different quirks and we need make sure that it’s a good fit. Tween you and them and that’s our job and rescue Tulsa is. To make sure that you and your dog fit well the other. That’s why a lot of dogs and owners look alike nowadays because they fit so well together. If you want to adopt the pet donate to day please read Baynard Donna. It’s the best thing you can do. You’re a good person you know and understand that is very difficult for these dogs to live. With out your donation. We do the best we can at the best and rescue Tulsa but it always helps when you get outside support from people who care about dogs. So if you are able to visit us or save an animal. We would absolutely love that. Our goal is rescue animals. In need of a home and find the best home possible. We’ll do that anyway we can. If you don’t believe me visit our Web site and share testimonials and talk to talk to past people who’ve been in our store Donate today using your name your phone or email. Get back to you on how to die specifically. But we would appreciate if you could donate. Check out. Our.
Contact Us page recone talk to us and ask us questions you have about dogs. We know a lot about dogs since we’re the best animal rescue Tulsa has ever seen. So we understand dogs very much and we understand cats very well. And most I can get as I’m so intelligent and comes in dogs and cats and we have.
The juice that will help you make sure that your dog has a happy life and your cats will be happy life as well. So make sure that. You talk to us. Contact us. It’s a day you need to donate. Otherwise some of these dogs are going to have a hard time. It’s very sad. But we need we need your donations to. Create a healthy environment. Where.
Are all these dogs. Because of your donations we’re able to do that for them which is what we love doing. We love creating a healthy environment for these dogs. We love.
Giving them all the food all the water all the place they want but it’s not possible for Stuart staff to let him do that. So we need to make sure that we are getting donations. So we have to walk the dogs play with the dogs. Talk to the dogs. So they are ready to adjust to home life as soon as possible if you have a great home life. Let us know we let you adopt one of our dogs if you have a stable home. Which dog will be loved and treated with respect. That’s something we’re very passionate about. If you wouldn’t treat them right don’t don’t hire them. Don’t try and bring them into your life. We don’t want you to involve yourself with them. Make sure you’re being respectful of dogs at all times and taking care of them. And. If you don’t then you don’t deserve to have a dog and the dog should be placed somewhere else far away from you. Make sure to visit the best animal rescue Tosa. There is and. Donate today to make sure that you. Are saving dogs and.
Loving on them in the best way possible.