we are asking that you don’t need today to the Animal Rescue Tulsa. There are many different ways that you can donate to us. You can do that physically with cash or with services for our amazing animals that we have here or the other way you can help us is to adopt one of our amazing animals that we have today. We are constantly getting rescues that we are needing to find happy and healthy homes for and we are asking if you are looking for an animal, please adopt and do not shop. We promise that we are going to have something for you and not us. There is going to be somewhere that is out there right now that’s going to be the absolute most perfect fit for you.

Every single person that decides to joinAnimal Rescue Tulsa is a part of something that is going to be bigger than them. Bigger than us as well. We sat out over 20 years ago to make sure each and every rescue is able to find a home. We understand that we cannot take care of each and every single one of our rescues but if we could we would, and then if we are asking for your help today. you have the opportunity right now to help us help you and help these animals. You’re going to be absolutely satisfied with all of the amazing things that we are going to be able to provide for you here. It is going to be an absolutely smooth and easy process that you were just going to wish that you started sooner. This is what all of our amazing clients and customers say.

We take our job very seriously, and we are so excited that you were here and helped us join the Animal Rescue Tulsa. It was going to be an amazing journey that you were going to be on with us. It is absolutely exciting and so rewarding when we replace rescues in new homes that they are happy and healthy. This is our main goal and we have always focused on school and school alone.

The process with us is going to be very simple. All you were going to need to do is just simply pick out the animal that you were wanting to rescue. Yes, that is correct. We are going to make sure that they have everything else that they could need before they leave with you. We also offer a pet store so if there is something that you are needing, you are going to be able to get it through us.

You are going to be able to go on this website right here to see all the amazing animals that we have available right now https://havanashouse.com/ you were going to be shocked how many we have to take the step with us is going to be absolutely amazing and rewarding on both ends for both parties.

Animal Rescue Tulsa | everyone deserves a chance to be loved

We believe here at Animal Rescue Tulsa that each, and every animal deserves to live a happy and healthy life. But most of our rescues that are coming in, have not lived that way. They have been abandoned and left alone to die. This is why we opened hana house to make sure that we can do absolutely everything we can to limit the number of animals who are being treated like that. We want to make sure that each and every animal that we get in and we are placing in a home is going to be the happiest and healthiest home. We could find them. It is essential to these animals. Have a happy home because they have not had that in so long.

People have been trusting us here for many years at Animal Rescue Tulsa and we’re asking that you trust us as well. It is going to be an amazing process working with us. We are going to make it so easy on you to have your rescue and to take them home today. We’re going to make sure that they have absolutely everything that they are going to need before we send them off to you gives us a peace of mind because we know we have done absolutely everything we can do and it is now in your hands, but that is why we are precautionary when we are finding homes for these amazing animals because we do want to make sure that what happened to them before is never going to happen to them again at least not on our watch.

you are going to be so happy that you did decide to choose us here at Animal Rescue Tulsa instead of going to shop for a dog you were going to see all our amazing options and you were going to want to tell your amazing family and friends about what we were able to do for you we are going to be able to provide so much each and every single time that you do come to us. This is going to be a no-brainer. We are asking that you join us today in the animal rescue business and we cannot wait to get you started today.

We have a super cute pet of the week right now. His name is James. He is a baby orange cat. James was abandoned and has been with us for a little over a month and we are so excited to get James a new home and let him be the happy and free cat that he wants to be.

If you are interested in reaching out to us, I do not want you to hesitate to go onto our amazing website here https://havanashouse.com/ you are going to be able to find out all about as well as us and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our online website. We are going to be happy to help you.